” IB students and alumni from all over the world join together to discuss the burning issues in international education. The results are enlightening.
Some of the greatest ideas on education come from those receiving it. Using video conferencing, we brought together 12 IB students and alumni from all four corners of the globe, and asked them to analyse the key issues in education.
Our volunteers champion the IB’s holistic approach to learning, and the contagious passion of teachers and other students. They stress the need for students to look beyond their national boundaries, and to learn valuable lessons from global cultures. They describe how the IB has encouraged them to be confident and more creative, to take risks, to manage their time effectively, to embrace technology, and to think independently. They highlight how it’s imperative that young females the world over receive access to education. As one alumna says: “Education is the spark that starts it all.”
This article was first published in the special 50th anniversary edition of IB World magazine. The artwork and illustrations for this article were created by Paddy Mills.
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